
Bluetooth Headset Not Working with MS Teams

Hope this can help someone going through a similar issue. Issue : I used MS Teams for meetings with colleagues and for some reason my Bluetooth headphone (Mpow H7) stopped working. I use it as speaker and there was just no sound coming out. It used to work before, so I’m not quite sure what went wrong. I’m suspecting some update could have change some setting or changed something. Note that the headphone works perfectly well with Zoom and other applications.

What is the Solidity Programming Language?

The Solidity language is a programming language designed to create smart contracts. Smart contracts are a type of contract that can be used to create enforceable agreements between two or more parties. They are often used in the context of the blockchain, which is a distributed ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. The programming language interacts with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is the abstraction layer between the executing code and execution machine.

How to Use Custom CSS on Hugo Site (With Pictures)

After setting up your Hugo site for the first time, next thing to do is to customize it to your own liking. One of the more common things you have to do is to change some of the styling (CSS). Here’s how to do it. Note: I use Visual Studio code (VS Code). My IDE of choice. All steps below were executed from VSC. Should be doable as well from a different IDE.

How to Set up a Hugo Site In Cloudflare (With Pictures)

Prerequisites 1. You should have a Cloudflare account If you don’t have one, it’s easy to register and it’s free to start. It does a have paid premium service but all of the Cloudflare services that we’ll use below are all free. 2. You should have already installed Hugo on your machine Try to get the latest Hugo release. If you haven’t installed Hugo yet, check Hugo’s quick start guide to get started.

Who Not How - Book Review

I got introduced to this book via listening to different podcasts. I can’t remember now which specific podcasts but they were quite a few and the book has always been highly rated by those who mentioned it. And, so it got me curious and here’s my review of the book, “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. 1. What is the book all about The main promises of the book are:

What is Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Service Oriented Architecture, or SOA, is a type of software design that focuses on creating reusable services. This approach to software design is intended to make life easier for developers, by providing them with building blocks that can be reused in different ways to create new applications. In theory, SOA sounds like a great idea. However, in practice, it can be quite difficult to achieve. This is because different services need to be able to work together seamlessly in order for the overall system to function correctly.